How to Report Voter Fraud in Denver, CO: An Expert's Guide

Learn how to report voter fraud in Denver, CO from an expert's perspective. Find out what constitutes voter fraud, how to report it, and steps you can take to protect your vote.

How to Report Voter Fraud in Denver, CO: An Expert's Guide

As the 2020 election approaches, concerns about voter fraud have become a hot topic. With the rise of mail-in voting and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many are worried about the integrity of the election process. If you live in Denver, CO and suspect any instances of voter fraud, it is important to know how to report it.

What is Voter Fraud?

Voter fraud is any illegal activity that occurs during the voting process. This can include things like impersonating another voter, voting multiple times, or altering ballots.

It is a serious offense that undermines the democratic process and can result in criminal charges. In Denver, CO, there are several measures in place to prevent and detect voter fraud. These include signature verification for mail-in ballots, strict rules for voter registration, and trained poll workers who monitor polling places on election day.

How to Report Voter Fraud

If you have reason to believe that voter fraud has occurred in Denver, CO, there are several steps you can take to report it.

Contact Your Local Election Officials

The first step is to contact your local election officials. In Denver, this would be the Denver Elections Division. You can reach them by phone at (303) 571-8683 or by email at

They also have a reporting form on their website where you can submit your concerns. When reporting voter fraud, be sure to provide as much detail as possible. This could include the date and location of the incident, names of individuals involved, and any evidence you may have.

Contact the Colorado Secretary of State

If you believe that the fraud is on a larger scale or involves state-wide elections, you can also contact the Colorado Secretary of State's office. They have a reporting form on their website where you can submit your concerns. You can also reach them by phone at (303) 894-2200 or by email at

Contact Law Enforcement

If you believe that the voter fraud is a criminal offense, you can also contact law enforcement.

In Denver, you can report it to the Denver Police Department by calling 911 or the non-emergency line at (720) 913-2000. You can also report it to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation by calling (303) 239-4211.

What Happens Next?

Once you have reported the suspected voter fraud, the appropriate authorities will investigate the matter. This may involve reviewing security footage, interviewing witnesses, and examining ballots. If they find evidence of fraud, they will take appropriate action, which could include criminal charges. It is important to note that not all reports of voter fraud are substantiated.

Sometimes, there may be innocent explanations for suspicious activity. However, it is important to report any concerns so that they can be properly investigated.

Protecting Your Vote

While it is important to report any instances of voter fraud, there are also steps you can take to protect your own vote.

Register to Vote

- Make sure you are registered to vote in Denver, CO. You can check your registration status on the Colorado Secretary of State's website.

Verify Your Ballot

- If you are voting by mail, be sure to carefully review your ballot before submitting it. Make sure all the information is correct and that you have not made any mistakes.

Report Suspicious Activity

- If you see anything suspicious at a polling place, such as someone trying to vote multiple times or intimidating voters, report it to a poll worker or election official immediately.


Voter fraud is a serious offense that can undermine the integrity of our elections.

If you live in Denver, CO and suspect any instances of voter fraud, it is important to know how to report it. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can help ensure that our elections are fair and secure.