Don't Miss These Important Deadlines for the Election in Denver, CO

As an expert in the political landscape of Denver, I am here to provide you with all the necessary information to ensure that you are prepared for this crucial election. Don't miss these important deadlines for the election in Denver, CO.

Don't Miss These Important Deadlines for the Election in Denver, CO

The election in Denver, CO is quickly approaching and as an expert in the political landscape of Denver, I am here to provide you with all the necessary information to ensure that you are prepared for this crucial election.

Registration Deadline

The first important deadline to be aware of is the registration deadline. In order to vote in the election in Denver, CO, you must be a registered voter. The deadline to register to vote in this election is October 26th, 2020. This means that if you are not already registered to vote, you have until this date to do so. It is important to note that if you have recently moved or changed your name, you will need to update your voter registration information.

This can also be done by the October 26th deadline.

Mail-In Ballot Request Deadline

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many voters may choose to vote by mail instead of in person. If you wish to vote by mail in the election in Denver, CO, you must request a mail-in ballot by October 26th, 2020. This can be done online through the Denver Elections Division website.If you miss this deadline, you can still request a mail-in ballot in person at any Voter Service and Polling Center until November 3rd, 2020. However, it is recommended to request your ballot as early as possible to ensure it arrives on time.

Early Voting Period

If you prefer to vote in person but want to avoid the crowds on Election Day, you can take advantage of the early voting period.

Early voting for the election in Denver, CO begins on October 19th, 2020 and ends on November 2nd, 2020. During this time, you can vote at any Voter Service and Polling Center in Denver. It is important to note that early voting locations may differ from your designated polling location on Election Day. Be sure to check the Denver Elections Division website for a list of early voting locations.

Election Day

The most important deadline of all is Election Day itself, which falls on November 3rd, 2020. Polls will be open from 7:00am to 7:00pm.

If you are voting in person, be sure to check your designated polling location as it may have changed since the last election. If you have requested a mail-in ballot but have not yet returned it, you can still vote in person on Election Day. However, you will need to surrender your mail-in ballot in order to do so.

Important Reminders

In addition to these deadlines, there are a few important reminders for voters in the election in Denver, CO:
  • Bring a valid form of identification: In order to vote in person, you will need to bring a valid form of identification such as a driver's license or passport.
  • Double-check your registration status: It is always a good idea to double-check your voter registration status before Election Day. You can do so through the Denver Elections Division website.
  • Be prepared: Before heading to the polls, be sure to research the candidates and issues on the ballot. This will help you make an informed decision when casting your vote.


The election in Denver, CO is a crucial one and it is important for all eligible voters to participate.

By being aware of these important deadlines and reminders, you can ensure that your voice is heard in this election. Remember, every vote counts!.